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Questions about emerging technologies & humanity


Sapien 2.0: Questions about Emerging Technology and Humanity is a game that is meant to provoke meaningful conversation and reflection on disruptive technologies, in relation to how they affect humanity and the social and legal norms we know.

This game can be played with others or alone. Simply pick up any of the prompt cards, read it out loud, and let the discussion and reflection start. Refer to the technology definition cards when needed.

Let your mind wonder and challenge your understanding of the world as you know it…


This game is intended to spur reflection and meaningful conversation on emerging technologies.

All reasonable measures have been taken to ensure the quality and accuracy of the information in the game. As technology evolves so will the definitions and understandings of it.

You choose to play Sapien 2.0: Questions about Emerging Technology and Humanity your own risk. No one involved in the creation of this game is liable for anything that may come as a result of it.


 *This game is not affiliated with any other game, nor is it affiliated with any organization*

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